Temeljno poslanstvo zavoda je krepitev civilne iniciative, povezovanje in sodelovanje zainteresirane javnosti, posredovanje stališč zainteresiranih deležnikov državnim in drugim institucijam, sodelovanje pri pripravi in izvedbi politik in prispevanje pri povezovanju civilne iniciative v mednarodne integracije (več).
Delovanje zavoda obsega organiziranje, koordiniranje in izvajanje aktivnosti identifikacije, oblikovanja in diseminacije alternativnih rešitev družbenih problemov. Zavod izvaja tudi analiziranje, svetovanje, povezovanje in promocijo družbene odgovornosti in trajnostnega razvoja v slovenskem in svetovnem merilu, pri čemer cilj opravljanja dejavnosti ne bo pridobivanje dobička (več).
Vrednote, za katere si bo zavod še posebej prizadeval, so razvoj civilne družbe, svoboda in demokracija, medsektorsko povezovanje in sodelovanje posameznikov in organizacij, solidarnost in znanje. Vodilo delovanja zavoda bodo družbena odgovornost, pravna država, inovativnost in trajnostni razvoj (več).
[NEW PUBLICATION]: Higher education policy reforms for the future labour market in the EU
Zavod 14 is pleased to present a publication on Higher education policy reforms for the future labour market in the EU, supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). The past three years have witnessed a complex interplay of health, economic, and...
read more[NEW PUBLICATION]: Tax policy and transparency reforms for promoting the competitive EU digital economy
Zavod 14 is pleased to present a publication on Tax policy and transparency reforms for promoting the competitive EU digital economy, supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). The digital economy is transforming the way citizens behave, and...
read more[ELF EVENT] 30 NOVEMBER 2022: Zoom Webinar and Workshop: “The Road to a Smart and Sustainable European Union”
The main goal of the ELF event is to define a smart and sustainable society in the context of the European Union (EU) and to identify critical challenges and opportunities for the EU as regards smart and sustainable EU policy reforms with a particular focus on the...
read more[NEW PUBLICATION]: Disruptive technologies and digital transformation for modern EU society
Zavod 14 is pleased to present a paper on Disruptive technologies and digital transformation for modern EU society, supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). We are living in times of rapid advancement, where the increasing availability of data and...
read more[ELF EVENT] 09 NOVEMBER 2022: Zoom Webinar and Workshop: “Tax competitiveness in the EU: A comparison between “new” and “old” member states”
The current state of globalization still implies a considerable degree of differentiation at both the country and regional levels. Even though financial globalization has resulted in the unification of monetary policy in the EU, the tax systems of countries are...
read morePUBLICATION: Education and Digital Skills in a Post-Covid World in the CEE Region
Zavod 14 is pleased to present a comparative study on Education and digital skills in a post-Covid world in the CEE region, supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). The years of 2020 and 2021 will be the years which the world will mention in terms...
read morePUBLICATION: Tax Policy Reforms for Promoting Fair and Efficient Business Taxation in the EU
Zavod 14 is pleased to present a comparative study on Tax Policy Reforms for Promoting Fair and Efficient Business Taxation in the EU, supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). The economic environment, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, has...
read more[ELF EVENT] 01 DECEMBER 2021: Zoom Webinar and Workshop: “Tax and fiscal policy measures in digital transformation era during Covid-19 pandemic: International experiences”
About the event The outbreak of Covid-19 started in China at the end of 2019, has created an unprecedented challenge with drastic socio-economic consequences and policy measures. This calls for the discussion of appropriate (digitalized) fiscal policy measures adopted...
read moreZavod 14, zavod za sožitje in napredek, je neprofitna civilno-družbena organizacija, ustanovljena oktobra 2013 in ima sedež v Ljubljani. Zavod v okviru registrirane dejavnosti:
- krepi civilno iniciativo pri pripravi in izvedbi politik na lokalni, regionalni, nacionalni in evropski ravni;
- analizira in prispeva k diskusiji o lokalnih, regionalnih, nacionalnih in evropskih javnih zadevah;
- postavlja podlage in okvire za sodelovanje nacionalnih strokovnjakov, združenj, politike in akademskega sveta na lokalni, regionalni, nacionalni in evropski ravni;
- izvaja in podpira pogovore in publicistiko na zgoraj omenjenih področjih, na lokalnem, regionalnem in nacionalnem nivoju.