The workshop and the following round table will be looking for concrete solutions to questions about the future of investment in the field of information technology (IT). Are classic start-ups in decline; what is the role – if any- of business angels? Are cryptocurrencies an ultimate solution with public fundraising and the initial coin offerings (ICOs). The view from Slovenian and international representatives of the ICO’s, regulatory institutions and the Ministry for Economic Development and Technology? Should the state step in and “stimulate” strengthen the “crypto economy”, should it be cautious and set a clear legal framework and limit the growing business? What about self-regulation? Who protects investors when the “quick earning” option turns into a “nightmare”?
Wednesday, 18th April 2018
12:30 Registration and welcome coffee
13:00 Workshop 1 (Nina Tomaževič and Domen Božeglav | Ministry of Public Administration)
Workshop 2 (Peter Merc | Lemur Legal and Blockchain Think Tank)
Workshop 3 (Nejc Novak | Law Firm Novak Rutar)
15:30 – 16:30 LUNCH
16:30 Registration and welcome coffee for the round table
17:00 Welcome address
Aleksander Aristovnik | Director, Zavod 14
Zdravko Počivalšek | Minister for Economic Development and Technology
17:10 Conclusions of the workshops
Domen Božeglav | Ministry of Public Administration
17:20 -19:30 Panel session:“Common Digital Market: The Future of IT Investments: Cryptocurrencies”
Darko Butina | Buds
Jonas Valbjørn Andersen | IT University of Copenhagen
Urška Jež |ABC accelerator
Vasja Veber | Viberate
Xander Bouwman| D66
Aleš Butala| ATVP
Jan Isakovič | Cofound.it
Tilen Božič | Ministry of Finance
Nejc Brezovar| Ministry of Public Administration
Moderator: Gregor Plantarič | Zavod 14
Event moderated by: Živa Vadnov